VR operates more than one thousand passenger trains every day: an average of 250 long-distance trains and around 820 commuter trains a day. Responsibilities of a BBI expert at VR were: product ownership, international cooperation…

BBI Group Oy has been working with Orion Corporation in information management related projects, e.g. business intelligence governance model (BICC), Supply Chain information management, developing working processes and designing management dashboards…

The project will create new solutions to increase the skills of companies’ personnel, technological change and the promotion of employment. This will support the development of companies and accelerate their responsible growth.

Honka is a global pioneer in modern log building technology. We have built approximately 85,000 houses around the world and come up with countless innovations that have changed log construction to its core.

Tuusmet Oy is a metal company that manufactures metal products and components.

Riihisoft is a Finnish software company. The company is specialized on Microsoft based software development technologies. They design and implement suitable and customized professional software solutions and other ICT services.

PPT-Filter has more than 20 years’ experience in dust removal solutions for industry. They plan, manufacture, install and service both total solutions and individual items of equipment.